How to make 1 million dollars on the internet is actually quite an easy thing to accomplish when you know the insider information only shared between the internet gurus which I will expose in this article. The very first thing you need to do is obtain a domain name. Personally I use GoDaddy for domain names but there are many others you can use. Once you obtain a good domain name you need a hosting account for your website. You can easily do a Google search for any term I use in this article to find the necessary websites, services, or anything else you'll need to get started. When in doubt, Google it. You will find what you are looking for. You can design your own webpage using Dreamweaver or FrontPage, or you can use one of the many free website builders online by simply doing a Google search for them. Again, whenever in doubt...
Google it!
After setting the basics up.... Website, domain name, hosting account etc... You will need to start building an optin list or email list of subscribers. To do this you need to drive lots of traffic and leads to your webpage and you need to offer up something of value for free for them to optin to your list. Building your own email list and creating a relationship with that list is how the big money is made online especially when you have a list in the range of 50,000 subscribers or more. most internet gurus have at least 100,000 to 200,000 people on their lists. Very rarely do you find anyone building a list beyond that. The number one secret to building wealth online is building a list. The money is in the list! Always remember that.
It's all about the list!
There are many other methods to growing an existing list even bigger in scope and in size. Get to know the big names online and befriend these people. With an online business it's all about building relationships so when it comes time for them to send one of your products or affiliate programs to their list you benefit by growing your list even bigger. Sharing partnerships between 3 people who have substantial optin lists will make you a proud list owner. Many individuals have built internet empires from just a mailing list. So if you want to make 1 million dollars on the internet start building your list!
Anthony Tomei is an Expert Internet Network Marketer. Anthony is known as the Master Marketer and is the leader in the science of how to make money online. If you want to start building an optin list go here:
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Anthony Tomei - EzineArticles Expert Author
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